Podcasts by Xavier Huard

By Xavier Huard, a class given as part of #ArtApart


A podcast through which we enter the world of a theatre artist through the window of one (or more) of their works to understand their approach. Actor and Director Xavier Huard will take the path of one of the interviewed artist's works to try to understand the realities that the artist faces on a daily basis. Each episode contains passages from one of the artist's works interpreted by Xavier as well as suggested readings related to the themes addressed.

Interview 1: Oral Tradition as an Engine of Cultural Survival with Omer St-Onge

"From the late 1800s until 1996, when the last residential school closed, over 150,000 Indigenous children were removed from their families to be educated by religious groups." - Radio-Canada

After decades, if not centuries, of cultural oppression, Indigenous artists are still on the front lines for the survival of their cultural heritage. The otherness of the dominant culture has always been a part of what Indigenous artists have to say, if we disregard the very recent wave of interest in Indigenous art that we are seeing in our theatre community right now.

This interview with Omer St-Onge through the window of two of his works: L'étoile et le bouleau (literature) and Utei (theatre) which aims to dissect the following themes: Orality as the primary resource for the transmission of Indigenous heritage.

Interview 2: In the anteroom of an inevitable humanitarian crisis with Pascale Solages and Guy Régis Junior 

"One of the most often heard criticisms of the reconstruction work is that very little of the money has gone to Haitians and has often benefited private companies in donor countries. This was the case with the small houses, for example, built in Quebec by Maisons Laprise de Montmagny." - Luc Chartran (Radio-Canada)

Are we really surprised to learn that even in Quebec, private companies take advantage of humanitarian disasters to make money on the backs of vulnerable human lives? For this episode, I will discuss with two artists: Pascale Solages, Co-Director of Neges Mawon, and Guy Régis Junior, Director of the Quatres Chemins festival.

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