Theatre Engaging Communities (TEC)

You have a community engagement project?

Through the Theatre Engaging Communities (TEC) program, NTS supports* its students and recent graduates by financing some of their artistic projects produced outside of the School. This program combines the pursuit of artistic excellence with the determination to strengthen theatre’s social impact.

Are you unsure of which tier to apply for in your call for projects?
Do not hesitate to write at the following address:

*Only students and recent NTS graduates (up to 3 years after graduation) may apply for for a grant to produce or perform art projects outside of the School if these projects demonstrate social or community involvement.

Two types of grants are possible

Type 1

Project with moderate community involvement:
$1,000 to $2,500

Here, the intended community is invited to participate in part of the process
or the presentation without being at the centre of it.

Type 2

Project focusing on community involvement:
$3,000 to $5,000

Here community participation is central to all stages of the project.
The community is not only invited but benefits from the process and presentation, if applicable.

Have you completed your TEC project?

You must complete your final report. The final report must include:

  • the completed form
  • the promotional documents that you created (in paper or electronic version)
  • the media coverage (articles, links to interviews, etc.) – if applicable
  • the final reconciled budget, taking into account the actual expenses and revenues
  • digital photos and/or a video of the pre-production and/or production – if applicable

We are proud to present our selected projects for 2023!

Have a look for inspiration.

L'île en péril
Strength in Numbers
À la rencontre des
Unboxing the black box
Cabaret de drag communautaire et bispirituel
Witty fools podcast
Call me Billy
Atelier communautaire de création humoristique
Atelier de poésie
Travail communautaire jeunesse
initiation à la fabrication et à la manipulation de marionnettes
Greenhouse effected
Invisible artist conceived: Development workshop
Blood Wedding: A Trans Fantasia
Commande d’écriture pour un atelier dans Villeray

Completed Projects

May 2022

Flux in the City
The 70-Mile Yard Sale
Germination: A Workshop to Nurture New Ideas and Dramaturgical Skills
Mixed Arts Performance Partnership Program
Roots of creation

March 2022

RIVIÈRES - Sofia Blondin
KIVIUT RETURN - Carlos Rivera
HOME DÉPÔT - Marie-Ève Fortier
EMERALD - Andréanne Daigle
SIN PALABRAS - Lorena Trigos