FLUX IN THE CITY will take the form of a municipal consultation meeting in an alternate universe where the CN Tower has disappeared. Two city planners will lead audiences through a theatrical version of a community consultation, to decide what to do with the empty space the Tower has left behind. Municipal consultations in Toronto are notorious for being boring, poorly executed, and exclusionary. By contrast, FLUX IN THE CITY will use puppetry, multimedia, and participatory theatre models to transform the doldrums of a municipal consultation into an irreverent, challenging, joyful event. We will give audiences the agency to decide what should replace the CN Tower: as audience members generate ideas, a visual artist will be on hand to draw their ideas in real time.

Nathaniel Hanula-James and Wesley Reibeling Biography (Ontario)

We are Nathaniel Hanula-James (pictured) and Wesley Reibeling, queer artist-collaborators who live and work in Tkaronto/Toronto. Nathaniel works across Canada as an emerging performer, dramaturg, writer, and administrator. Wesley is a multidisciplinary artist and a community advocate, Co-Chair of Jane’s Walk, a Senior Project Manager at Park People, a board member for UrbanMinds, and Senior Editor of a queer art zine, Relish and Muster.
