BOOM! a play by isi bhakhomen
When purple popsicles can no longer soothe Tamara’s pain, she prays to the Great JB for guidance. To her surprise, He answers. Through the power of magic Tamara and her friends embark on an epic journey. Together, they fight off the shadows that have overtaken Tamara’s peace of mind.
Will this be their last hurrah? Or, will these teens find a way to stay connected beyond the confines of a computer lab?
With this play isi bhakhomen wants to begin a dialogue around the maltreatment of black girls within the education system. They want to build an environment of wellness that will give audience members the opportunity to debrief after each performance. Some themes explored in this play include houselessness and physical violence. These might be triggers and they want to make sure that there is time dedicated for reflection. A talking circle. This idea was introduced to them through Kamloopa: An Indigenous Matriarch Story by Kim Senklip Harvey. The Indigenous practice of reflection is something that they want to integrate within all of their theatrical projects, especially the ones that deal with hard topics.

isi Bhakhomen (Ontario) biography

isi bhakhomen (they/them) is a NIGERIAN and PERUVIAN theatre practitioner that dabbles in playwriting, acting, directing, producing and criticism. In 2021, they graduated from the National Theatre School of Canada’s acting program. As a playwright they have participated in many writing circles such as Factory Theatre’s The Foundry, Tarragon Theatre’s Young Playwrights Unit, and Shakespeare in the Ruff’s Young Ruffians Program. This season you can catch them performing in Death and the King’s Horseman and Hamlet at the Stratford Festival. In addition, they were recently appointed as a board member for Cahoots Theatre.
