Art Apart: Card Game
This performance was broadcast live on April 23. You can enjoy a recording of the performance below.
About the project
Card Game is a one-on-one performative game witnessed by a live audience. Over 20 minutes, the performance plays out over a web of questions contained in a custom-built deck of cards shared between a performer and one member from the audience. In adaptation for online streaming platforms, the performer will broadcast a live video of themselves and one willing audience member will be chosen to join in by video from their home to participate.
The card deck, composed of questions, statements and values, is revealed one card at a time by the performer for the player to respond to with either a YES or NO card. The performer and player sit at a table across from each other and no spoken words are exchanged. The only communication is through the deck of cards. What becomes revealed is a narrative unfolding of what we believe and what we decide to believe with the presence and pressure of active spectators. Throughout the performance we learn about the player’s relationships, if they’re single, are loved, feel helpless, make good choices, or prefer art to safety. Trust is either built or withheld as we learn about their regrets, what kind of choices they make and ultimately what they value.
This project received financial support from the National Theatre School of Canada via the Art Apart program, an emergency fund for emerging artists who are affected by physical distancing due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
About the artist
Brian Postalian is a theatre director, producer, and performance creator born and raised in Toronto/Tkaronto by way of Armenia, Ireland, Wales, and the Czech Republic. He is the founding Artistic Director of Re:Current Theatre. Recent work includes: HIVE 2019 (Magnetic North Festival), The Smile Off Your Face (SummerWorks Festival), This Is What I Know (In the Soil Festival). Brian’s work has been featured on “Best of the Year” lists, received Outstanding Direction (NOW Magazine), Best Production (SummerWorks 2017), nomination for Outstanding Direction (MyEntertainmentWorld), and has been described by one reviewer as “clearly unafraid to try just about anything.” He has an MFA in Performance and Contemporary Art from Simon Fraser University. In his spare time, he likes to visit used bookstores, ride bicycles, volunteer and is learning how to draw and play the Armenian duduk. /