Student Services

Here to help, listen and advise


Student Services is a place where students are welcomed, listened to and advised on all matters related to their well-being at the School.

It's a safe space for discussion where all ideas and concerns are welcomed without judgment and in complete confidentiality. We value student feedback and aim to integrate student concerns into our operations and services.

Marc-André Durocher, Manager of student Services

Marc-André Durocher holds a degree in Literature and was a community youth worker for 16 years before joining the NTS team in 2019 as Student Services Manager. Not only do students go to Marc-André for services related to their studies, such as for attestations or help with loans and bursaries, they also visit him regarding personal matters and to receive advice or referrals to specialized resources.

Contact Marc


From the time you're admitted to the day you graduate, the Registrar’s Office is the place to go for:

  • educational contracts
  • official attestations
  • replacing a lost graduation certificate
  • assistance in finding financial support or applying for an NTS bursary

Joshua Fourney, Registrar 

Support services

The Student Services team is here to listen attentively and offer advice in complete confidentiality. Depending on the situation, a variety of adapted resources are available. The reasons for meeting Marie-Dominique and Marc are diverse:

  • General questions and thoughts 
  • Help finding psychosocial resources
  • Questions about community life at school
  • Need to discuss personal difficulties
  • Information about the city of Montreal and the neighbourhood around NTS

Directory of services

ASEQ Student Insurance Plan

The current Health & Dental Plan was put in place by NTS to better meet student needs and is designed to supplement your provincial health insurance plan. Coverage includes health, dental, and vision care, travel insurance, and much more!  


For more information about the plan, please click on this link or call 514-789-8726 


All NTS students are automatically entered into the ASEQ Plan when they pay for their tuition the beginning of each school year. However, students who already have sufficient health insurance or who do not wish to pay the associated fees associated may opt out of the Plane at the start of the fall term by completing the appropriate withdrawal form before October 3.

International Students

Each international student faces a unique set of circumstances. Student Services offers personalized guidance and support:

  • in obtaining official documents
  • regarding living in Quebec
  • in obtaining a post-graduation work permit at the end of their training program

Please consult the following links for federal and provincial guidelines and the latest updates:

Immigration Québec - Foreign students (



Beginning in October, free physiotherapy sessions are available to students every two weeks. To participate in these sessions, students must register with Student Services 24 hours in advance.

Student Association

The NTS Student Association represents the interests of all students in both the French and English sections. It aims to foster a sense of belonging for every student throughout their training and promote a healthy school climate for all.

Student Association:

Financial Aid

For students in need of financial assistance, there are several options that the School may suggest, based on their individual needs.


AFE-SFA – Quebec Loans and Bursaries Program

All NTS programs are recognized by the Quebec government for the Student Financial Assistance Program (SFA).

To be eligible for the SFA, a student must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or have refugee or protected person status, as well as have proof of Quebec residency.

In order to apply, a student must also have a Permanent Code and Social Insurance Number.

To apply to Quebec’s Loans and Bursaries Program, please visit:


NSLSC - National Student Loans Service Centre 

For Canadians citizens from outside of Quebec, please visit the federal government’s NSLSC website:


NTS Student Bursaries

Consult the main financial aid page

Emergency Loans

Generally, loans are granted between the end of September to mid-April. All applications must be submitted to Marc-André Durocher, Student Services Manager. The maximum amount during a single school year is $1000.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for a bursary or loan from the School’s Emergency Funds, the student must first have exhausted all other financial aid options. Specifically, they must have:

  • applied for loans and bursaries from the appropriated organizations in their home province;
  • taken the necessary steps to secure a job during vacation periods;
  • have made every effort to obtain aid from family, personal contacts, as well as organizations from their home base who are in the position to provide such assistance.

Consult the main financial aid page

Apply for a bursary: find your program code

Our institution code: 749672

All English programs except Acting: FPAL

Acting: 561A0

French Section programs:

  • Interprétation: ENTC1
  • Création and Production: 561A0
  • Scénographie: 561A0
  • Écriture dramatique: X61C0
  • Mise en scène: X61C0

External resources

Le Transit, Crisis Centre
514 282-7753

Interligne - Help centre and listening service for LGBTQ+
514 866-0103
1 888 505-1010

Drugs: Help and referral (24/7)
1 800 265-2626
514 527-2626

CLSC du Plateau-Mont-Royal
514 521-7663

CLSC Saint-Louis-du-Parc
514 286-9657

SOS violence conjugale - domestic violence
1 800 363-9010

Pregnancy and abortion information and support services
514 271-0554

Jeunesse, J’écoute – Kids Help Phone
1 800 668-6868

211 Québec
Information on community, public and parapublic services

Sex & U

Suicide Action Montréal (SAM)
1 866 277-3553
(1 866 APPELLE)

Help for men experiencing problems in couple relationships
514 384-6296

Free mobile app for simplifying access to health services and appointments

Info-santé (24/7)

Sexual Violence Info-Help



Policy to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence (PPFSV)

Policy to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence (PPFSV)

Students are assured confidentiality when they go to Student Services to report an incident or make a complaint, or to get more information on the various School policies.

Student Services also welcomes students any time they need a listening ear or support. Students can also request the help of the School’s appointed ombudsperson:

Caroline Lemay, Ombud / 514 716-6468


  • Policy to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence
  • Policy to Prevent Harassment and Promote a Safe Environment

Read the policies

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