Judy Wensel (Directing, 2018, Regina, SK) is one of the NTS grads we’ve provided with a micro-grant to realize a new and exciting artistic endeavour. She devised an experiment to create small micro-performances for tiny audiences of ONE.

With this work, she set out to explore notions of performance as gift-giving, personalizing experiences for spectators, creating immersive environments, and cooperatively creating moments with another person that will never exist quite the same way again.

First, she created an online contest. Out of the many people who applied, she randomly drew one friend and one complete stranger, Sabrina Cataldo and Jeffrey Ring.

Judy Wensel's friend / stranger draw for her tiny encounters project
Judy Wensel’s friend / stranger draw for her tiny encounters project
Judy Wensel Friend Stranger draw
Judy Wensel Friend Stranger draw

Then, both participants received an incitation package with an assortment of questions, provocations and simple tasks. “She gave me a package of information that I had to fill out, including drawing a self-portrait, making a collage and answering a variety of personal questions,” says friend Sabrina.

Their responses served as Judy’s inspiration in the creation of a tiny performance made especially for them.

In early January, Judy ventured in the snowy terrain of Regina to scout locations and spent some time in the studio creating all the elements of both encounters.

The project unfolded on a frigid January afternoon and evening in a snowy field in Regina. Each participant was led through an original ten-minute encounter made specifically for them. “Some of it took place in the fort. It’s hard to explain it all, but it was very cool,” reveals Sabrina. The exclusive performances touched on a broad range of topics including loneliness, death, and Hawaii, and including sugary treats such as tiramisu and ice cream!

“At the heart of The Friend/Stranger Project, was an interest in scale and intimacy: Two people in a tiny, temporary space, experiencing a few fleeting moments with one another. I wanted to give both the Friend and the Stranger the gift of connectivity, whilst surrounded by the isolation, loneliness and deep, deep cold of winter in Saskatchewan. I sought out to lead them on a small journey to find refuge and beauty; an experience curated and tailored with the particular individual in mind.”
Judy Wensel (Directing, 2018, Regina, SK)

“My own experience at NTS was exhilarating, challenging and deeply transformative. If you (or anyone you know) has any inclination to apply – – do it, do it!” says Judy.

Balloon fort by Terri Fidelak
Photos by Terri Fidelak and Jay Kimball