About the project

A performance of Smashcut: Int. Changing Room, an original monologue exploring non-binary gender and an exploration of dysphoria in an entirely private world, and performitivity of gender in the absence of an audience, Smashcut: Int. Changing Room is re-tooled to be shot in Fanny Dvorkin’s apartment with an additional consideration and focus on the current isolation caused by the COVID-19 crisis.

This project received financial support from the National Theatre School of Canada via the Art Apart program, an emergency fund for emerging artists who are affected by physical distancing due to coronavirus (COVID-19).

About the artist

Fanny Dvorkin is a 29 year old actor and writer/poet. Having previously studied Literatures in English both at Concordia and York in the UK, she now resides in Montreal with her wife and dog. Focusing on gender identity and expression, and Shakespeare (not always at the same time), she aims to make theatre more accessible physically and mentally not only for the audience, but for the performers and technicians alike.