This project was presented on May 2, 8PM on Facebook.

About the project

A dramatic reading of Feast, a documentary play looking into the life and legacy of British playwright Sarah Kane, using verbatim citations from newspaper articles, interviews, play texts, and academic work on Kane. Feast speaks to an academic discipline shrouded by the unfortunate events of Kane’s initial critical reception as an emerging artist who was criticized rashly and without empathy for their precarity and bravery. Even in these uncertain times, Feast makes concrete what artists know to be true: legacy matters.

    This project received financial support from the National Theatre School of Canada via the Art Apart program, an emergency fund for emerging artists who are affected by physical distancing due to coronavirus (COVID-19).

    About the artist

    Originally from Baltimore, MD, Aisling Murphy is a critic, playwright, and dramaturg currently pursuing her Honours BA with Specialization in Theatre at the University of Ottawa. Her first play, Feast, had its first workshop at the University of Ottawa in December 2019, and is now undergoing development with the Tarragon Theatre Young Playwrights Unit in Toronto.

    An emerging academic, Aisling’s critical writing has been featured on Capital Critics Circle and The Theatre Times; this fall, Aisling will also step on as the Arts & Culture Editor for the University of Ottawa’s The Fulcrum, and as a co-editor for the December 2020 edition of the online IATC journal, Critical Stages.

    Aisling’s creative and academic interests include those of post dramatic theatre, the ethics of contemporary theatre criticism, multilingual dramaturgy, and the life and legacy of British playwright Sarah Kane.