About the project

E-TRANSFERS is focused on the intersections between money and trans identity and explores how these components shift over time based on circumstances. Wyn and Eva are both young trans individuals working towards self-actualization while trying to survive the unfavouring structures of capitalism. These two characters rely on Zein, Wyn’s childhood best friend and Eva’s partner, for emotional support. These two characters have phone calls, video chats, and exchange messages with Zein as a means to connect socially. They are exploring their options in their circumstances, they are asking for Zein’s advice, they’re looking to be heard. Zein is the audience.

This project received financial support from the National Theatre School of Canada via the Art Apart program, an emergency fund for emerging artists who are affected by physical distancing due to coronavirus (COVID-19).

About the artists

Playground Productions was founded in the summer of 2017 by a group of newly graduate Dawson Professional Theatre students in Montreal. Playground’s flagship production, Rajiv Joseph’s GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES, starred Merlin Simard (they/them) and was directed by Gabe Maharjan (they/them). Cognitive and physical disabilities were at the centre of the production; it was an exploration on how love and connection can manifest despite difference.

Playground Productions has since shifted its mandate to develop new texts by playwrights of diversity. Gabe Maharjan’s EVA IN RIO was developed under Playground Productions with support from Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal, Emploi Québec, MAI, Centaur Theatre, and Black Theatre Workshop. A reading of the text was presented at the Centaur as part of their Queer Reading Series in January 2019, and Playground produced a development presentation of the piece in June 2019.

E-TRANSFERS is Playground’s latest project. Co-created by Merlin Simard and Gabe Maharjan, the script is currently being developed at the Emerging Creators Unit at Buddies in Bad Times.

As intersectionally diverse theatre artists, we are highly aware of the lack of visibility. Due to a personal longing to see trans narratives authentically performed, we are committed to representing nuanced trans/gender nonconforming voices. This is at the heart of Playground’s mandate.

Presented by the Buddies in Bad Times Emerging Creators unit in partnership with B Current Theatre, and the National Theatre School’s Art Apart Program