Histoires pour faire des cauchemars
Creation and production of a first version of the show in April 2022, which will be presented to young people from schools in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighbourhood following a cultural mediation activity that will have taken place beforehand in the form of a writing workshop with the author of the play, Étienne Lepage, as well as a puppet/object theater workshop led by actress Chantal Dupuis. The public will come and see a free and exclusive play. A discussion will be hosted with the audience after the performance to gather their impressions.
Jocelyn Pelletier (Québec) biography

A graduate of the Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Québec in 2005, Jocelyn Pelletier has participated in several productions of Théâtre Péril and co-founded the company tectoniK_ .
A 2018 graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada, his creation De l’instant et de l’éternité based on Seneca’s Phaedra is presented at the Trillium in February 2018 and at Usine C in March 2018. He conceived Mac(death).Presented at OFFTA 2018, Mois Multi 20 in February 2019 and at La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines in March 2020. He directed Dévoré(s) by Jean-Denis Beaudoin at Théâtre Périscope in October 2019. Edwidge’s Hands at the Time of Birth by Wajdi Mouawad at Théâtre La Bordée in January 2020. He recently directed La terre tremble by Alexandra Badea with the graduates of the École supérieure dein the winter of 2021.
Director, actor, author and occasional teacher who, for several years in the company of various collaborators, has aspired to understand how distinct technologies, through sensory research and contemporary scenic approaches (video, performance, visual art, sound art, etc.) can intensify the experience of the spectator. In this way, it initiates a continuous study of traditional practice as well on the level of the substance as of the form.