This project is a continuation of our artistic and political work with the troupe Joussour. It consists of integrating, mixing, and confronting a vision and a Palestinian theatre practice in our dramaturgy. This is first articulated through joint research work, and next through the production of (digital) content, to conclude with the dissemination of this content on a Canadian stage as an epilogue to the creation work.
Hugo Fréjabise Biography (Quebec)

Hugo entered the National Theatre School of Canada thanks to Diane Pavlovic, who had the double audacity to abolish barriers and believe in him. There, Hugo met the game-changing Tamara Nguyen, precious teammate and necessary author.
Hugo is infinitely grateful to his acting colleagues (the 2016–2020 cohort).
Hugo created the Dire, Encore collective in 2018, collaborating with the redoubtable Renaud Dionne, Marine Plasse and Samuel Boucher. He then created the shows Darwin avait raison and En descendant de Babel. Hugo invented the performances #blablabla and On ne fait pas de littérature avec de bons sentiments along with the dazzling Pierre-Alexis Saint-Georges. The remarkable Édith Patenaude directed his play Tu es Nora. With the intrepid Nadine Jaafar and Alice Tixidre, he founded the company Joussour, with which, in 2018, they led the production Ce n’est pas un hasard qui fait de nous des voyageurs avec colis encombrants, a theatre creation project carried out in Beirut with youth from the Ouzai area. Cioran was right: “No need to elaborate works—merely say something that can be murmured in the ear of a drunkard or a dying man.”
