Rebecca Harper, Head of Movement and Core Curriculum, Acting Program

Rebecca Harper is the Head of Movement in the Acting Program of the National Theatre School, in 2020-2021
Rebecca Harper has been teaching at the National Theatre School of Canada since 2010 and has been the Head of Movement since 2014. She has an MA in Training Actors with a Specialization in Movement from Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
Rebecca has directed and assistant directed, as well as been the movement director and coach, at companies such as Regent’s Park Theatre, Theatre Calgary, Tashme Productions, Metachroma Theatre and Tableau D’Hôte. She has spent five seasons at the Stratford Festival as well as worked on many NTS productions. She is a recipient of the Bernard Amyot Teaching Award. Rebecca is extremely passionate about movement training for actors and its connection to text and storytelling. What inspires her is witnessing that moment when the penny drops as an actor makes meaning for themselves.
Rebecca has been teaching for 22 years and, through the actors in training, continues to learn about the craft of acting.
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