An Amazing Generation is On Its Way!
Frédéric Dubois, Acting Program Director and Artistic Director of the French Section National Theatre School of Canada
An Amazing Generation is On Its Way!
This pandemic is forcing us to rethink our very foundation—who we are, what we do and why. There are calls for help and clarity everywhere. Discouragement makes itself felt but it’s also an invitation to reaffirm loud and clear what the place of theatre should be in our world. The cultural community is publicly discussing the boundaries between entertainment and art, powerful urges to stand up are emerging. Never before have we read so many articles in the media pleading the artists’ cause and their fundamental role in our society.
At our School, program directors witness exceptional sparks of creativity day after day. From turmoil rise touching, poignant human moments. Affirmation is at the heart of every move our students make. There’s a clear desire on their part to be and become artists. And today, we feel the need to put into words all the admiration running through us.
Nothing is simple.
Nothing is perfect.
The arguments to be had are gripping.
Daily life weighs us down. But several times a week, out of a presentation or a conversation, something bigger than us appears: a crazy urge to surpass ourselves, a deep and sure desire to exist, to believe.
Since only January, in the crests of a new wave, behind closed doors, texts were written and heard, showing playful, political and intimate universes. Creative workshops were presented, and each evening was new, each vision was committed and singular. We’ve seen set design proposals be born. They were strong, beautiful, and detailed.
We’re fortunate to be able to experience all this in this turmoil, we know it and we savour it. We have what everyone wants: community. We stand with our community—we agree with its demands of a clear operating plan. And today, our message aims to let a little light through.
An amazing generation is on its way!
It inspires us.
It confuses us.
It pushes us around.
It’s worried about what’s next, but we know that when in doubt, it plows ahead.
And we hope that together we will be able to welcome it. We need to.
Let’s throw caution to the wind and take advantage of the momentum to change how we do our work. In so doing, let’s make room for everyone. This upcoming generation has the ideas and the keys.
Let’s let them through the door.
The Program Directors Team
The Pedagogical Directors Team of the French Section