Odile Gamache - Teaching Artist, Set and Costume Design

Odile Gamache has been working on Montreal’s stages as a set designer. Upon graduating from the National Theatre School in 2013, she joined forces with stage director Félix-Antoine Boutin to co-found their performing arts company, Création Dans la Chambre. Along with the company’s activities, she has overseen the set and costume design for some 50 shows, including five that were directed by Philippe Cyr, with whom she has worked closely since 2016, especially on Christine Beaulieu’s documentary, J’aime Hydro, which is still running across Quebec, and on the most recent Théâtre Bluff creation, Le poids des fourmis, whose set and costume design netted her the Prix Françoise-Graton award in 2020.

Photo Credit: Sandy Hogue | Updated 6 juillet 2022

Teachers in Set & Costume Design